YOU CAN GET ANYTHING YOU WANT… Okay, folks. I admit it. I have been kind of an activist in my time. I have challenged the rationale for war. I have questioned the foreign policy of the U.S. government when its foreign policy demanded questioning. Campaigned for social, gender and racial justice. Worked for and spoken out in favor of change when change was needed. I have protested in the streets when I thought it warranted. I have not been as dedicated or consistent as others, but when there was a cause that I considered just and with which I could get involved in some way, I did. At times (many times) I have been lazy, centered on my own stuff, ambivalent about speaking out. But I have always tried to keep informed of what is going on in the world and contribute what little grains of sand I can. And yes, I was once even arrested. Thrown in jail. Had my day in court.