Reflections on Hair I am about to cut all the hair on my head and shave off all of my facial hair. It started as a simple fund raising idea for the organization I work for. In a gambit to raise a minimum of $1500 from friends and family, I foolishly promised that I would let myself be subjected to a Kojak-like do-over if it happened. And it did. For those of you who might not know who the 1970’s TV character Kojak was, he was a detective. A bald detective. A lollipop sucking bald detective. And I will soon be like him. Well, maybe not the lollipop part. But first, before I submit to a public shearing, I feel the need to reflect back over all the different manifestations my hair and I have gone through over the years. When I was between the ages of 3 to 12 years, I didn’t know that there was any kind of haircut other than the flattop. It was an uncomplicated thing: you went to the corner barber shop, sat in the hydraulic chair ...