RUMINATIONS ON MASCULINITY AND A LONG-AGO TIME AND GALAXY It may sound a bit strange now, and most probably open to a few jokes, but in the late 1970s I became involved with the National Movement of Changing Men , or as we simply called it in Pittsburgh – Changing Men . The movement was begun by pro-feminist males who were engaged with feminist women and interested in supporting feminist ideas. One of the tenets of the movement was to recognize the dominance of male power and privilege and through a critical lens begin to challenge the notion of “traditional masculinity” and the dominant model of manhood by working with one another. An interesting element of the movement is that it later began to branch off in other directions and themes, with some groups of men proclaiming that they were the oppressed ones in society and at a disadvantage in things like divorce and child custody. I became involved with the feminist side of the movement through my acquaintance with Bob, ...